10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Man on a mule carrying a car

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous

So we all have seen or been in vehicles that have been occupied to a point whether the number of people exceeded the seats or in vehicles that carry goods exceeding their capacity. But then there are some who go above and beyond road legislation to a point its ludicrous. Here’s our list of top 10 vehicles overloaded! Enjoy!

1. A cycle rickshaw carrying bundles of boxes – nearly 300

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Cyclist


2. A modified truck of some sort, carrying a whale shark

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Autorickshaw carrying a whale shark


3. A cycle rickshaw carrying multiple sacks – each bigger than a human being

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Rickshaw overloaded with sacks


4. A truck in Africa carrying a 100 men and their belongings

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Truck overloaded with people


5. A truck carrying a stack of hay that is perhaps the size of a villa

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Truck overloaded with hay


6. A auto rickshaw carrying bags of thermocol that perhaps looks like a ill-built igloo

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Rickshaw carrying bundles of thermocol


7. A train in India carrying …say over a 1000 people

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Train overloaded with people


8. A mule being involuntarily lifted using the wheel as fulcrum thanks to some deliberate overloading

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Overloaded donkey cart


9. A mule-drawn cart carrying the frame of a car

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Man on a mule carrying a car


10. And last but not least, a man on a moped carrying trays with more than a 1000, what seems to be eggs.

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous - Guy on a moped carrying multiple egg carts

10 Vehicles Overloaded To A Point Of Being Ludicrous
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