Local News

UAE fuel prices increase by 10-plus per cent for April 2016

EppcoIts no April Fool’s joke guys, the price for petrol has risen by 10-plus percent for April 2016, after dropping almost consistently for the past few months.

The price chart reads like this…Super 98 now costs AED 1.62 a litre – a gain of 10.2 per cent – while Special 95 or what us common folk call “Regular” will be sold at AED 1.51 a litre, a gain of 11 per cent. While E Plus 91 will cost the road-going community 11.6 per cent more at AED 1.44 a litre; and truckers will pay 11.4 per cent more than last month at AED 1.56 a litre.

Come to think of it, the joke’s on us!





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