Own a Mitsubishi Pajero? If yes, then this should interest you. Typos concerning Mitsubishi Pajero YM 2011 – 2016 for maximum engine output and engine speed at maximum torque in the catalogue and instruction manual for the 3.8L 5-door Pajero have been brought to public attention by Mitsubishi Motors.
What was advertised was maximum engine outputs of 184 kW and 175 kW for the automatic and manual models respectively, but what it was actually rated at, was 176 kW and 170 kW, respectively. Also, the maximum torque was achieved at 3,750 rpm and not 2,750 rpm as catalogued.
Thankfully, the Japanese motor company have also stated that the typing error does not affect the fuel economy of the vehicles, and the cars still comply with GCC safety standards for vehicles.
Certainly, making a public apology was the most right thing to do, but having their customers compensated in one way or another also seems appropriate.
Check out their official statement here below: