The private taxi cab services Careem and Uber have stopped operating in Abu Dhabi from Saturday afternoon.
Sources say that the company officials have yet to state the reasons for stopping services neither have they mentioned when they would resume, but they insisted the suspensions were only temporary.
Careem personnel stated, “Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we expect potential service interruptions in Abu Dhabi over the next few days. They added by saying, “We work with licensed vehicles in Abu Dhabi and we are working closely with TransAD to ensure both a reliable service and adherence to fleet requirements.” and “We will make sure the disruption is minimal to our customers and thank them for their understanding during this time,”.
Meanwhile Uber staff representative said, “Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will suspend operations in Abu Dhabi effective immediately till further notice.” They also added “In the meantime, we will keep you informed when operations resume. Thanks for your understanding and apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.” A while later they also mentioned, “This is a temporary suspension and we will let you know of any further updates. Our goal is to resume operations as soon as possible.”
Careem began offering car services in Abu Dhabi in March 2013, while Uber come into operation six months later.