A few days ago Richie Trimble rode his almost-15-foot bicycle on Venice Boulevard in LA from downtown to the beach for Ciclavia 2013, an event which promotes walking, riding etc.
The homemade cycle named Stoopid Tall has its seat at 14.5 foot from the ground and has no brakes. He got some good Samaritan cyclers blocking traffic for him but the underneath of bridges he had to negotiate himself.
This contradicts Lance Armstrong’s version of “riding high”, doesn’t it!
Here is more technical info on the cycle:
The seat is set at 14.5ft high. It took 12 man hours to build.
He used a combination of 2-inch square tubing, 3/4-inch round tubing, and 1-inch round tubing; a 26″ single speed coaster brake wheelset and 6 1/2 single speed bicycle chains (32.5ft of chain). To bend the pipe he used an upside down shopping cart and a split log.
His last tallbike was just under 10ft tall at the seat and it was featured in the 30 Seconds to Mars’ music video, “Kings and Queens”. STOOPIDTALL, is the inbetween from that one (Kafourki) and the world record tallest bike that he’ll be building later this year.